One of the most exciting things that you can do in business is to talk successfully to your target market and make some connections.  That’s great if you know who your target market is, but what if you don’t?  How do you find your target market?  It isn’t just about who your customers already are.  Finding your target market doesn’t have to be a guessing game.  It’s a set process that is not only doable but essential to your business.

Why does a target market matter?

Isn’t anyone a potential customer?  Yes, technically.  However, if you aren’t communicating effectively with them, then no one is a customer.  Let us explain.

You need to use certain language to talk to certain people.  If you are marketing something to senior citizens, for example, you wouldn’t use language aimed at teens.  Or vice versa.  Discovering who your target audience is helps you to figure out how to speak effectively to them and convert them into buying customers.

Without knowing what/who your target market is, could make your business success much harder, no matter how hard you work or how hard you try.

How to figure out who you’re talking to

When you want to discover who you’re marketing to or should be marketing for, there’s a set formula to help you get there.  The steps are below for you.

Think about what customers want when they do find you

When customers do actually find you, take a moment to understand just why they are looking for you, and what they want.  This will help you understand what they are looking for you and why your product or service is a success = the answer to their problem

Understand their central “want”

Customers are searching for you for either a service that you offer or a product that you sell.  Take the time to understand what exactly that thing is, to them.  Whether they convert to a sale or not, understanding how to connect a need with a want from service to customer is going to be an integral second step. Not to mention how you may “talk” (your messaging) to each of your target markets. This will make a world of difference on how you market to each of those audiences.

Take a look at what your competition is doing

When in doubt, take a look at what the competition around you is doing.  If they are successful, then they’re taking the right approach.  Understand their pros and cons, and then do it even better to earn you the business that you are looking for.  Keep in mind, that their target market, and messaging, may vary from yours and that’s okay too because maybe they are still trying to find their niche market. Check out this article we did on finding a niche in the pet care industry.

Ask for help

A business coach can support you as you move your way through the steps as well as monitor your success, and help support you by offering advice and guidance.  There’s no reason that you need to figure this all out on your own, after all.  The support that you get from a coach can often make all of the difference.

You may not be able to decide what people think about your product or service all the time, but you will be able to make sure that the right people find your product after they are drawn in to take a look at it.  Finding your target market is a key part of that for obvious reasons!  These tips are going to support you in understanding the importance of a target market and then understanding how to find your very own target market for a prosperous future.

Should you need any help brainstorming to find your target market, working on your business growth or getting involved in a group mastermind session (like our recurring monthly Texas Leadership Network Mastermind), we offer all sorts of options to help your business grow. Contact Team Stetzel today.